POSTPONED – JAN. 8 | Ukrainian Embroidery

POSTPONED – Learn about the art of embroidery through paint!
What are those mysterious sacred geometrical designs hidden in our grandmother’s treasure chest? They are not just circles, lozenges, branches and spirals. These figures were created centuries ago and represent many unique symbols. This was at a time when our ancestors had a close magical connection with the world of Nature: plants, animals, fields
and heavenly bodies. They drew their destiny using symbols of the Sun, Earth, Universe and Family, reproducing them on fabrics, creating mysterious ancestral symbols as amulets, as a kind of family code.
Join us for a workshop focused on the art of Ukrainian embroidery through paint. This workshop will focus on patterns developed and native to Ukraine. Participants will recreate and create their own pattern using paint and paper. The goal is to create a community pattern.
Date: Saturday, January 8
Time: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: Oak Cliff Cultural Center (223 W. Jefferson Blvd.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Attendees may participate in the workshop on a first come, first serve basis. Participants may start arriving up to 30 minutes before the workshop begins.
This workshop is free and open to the public. This workshop is brought to you free of cost by the Oak Cliff Cultural Center.
Metered parking is available on Jefferson Blvd. Meters are free after 4 PM.
Satellite parking is available at the Texas Theatre overflow parking (located at the corner of Madison Ave and Centre St.) and in the parking lot located behind Oak Cliff Cultural Center on Sunset Ave.